+34 696 922 398 info@drhamers.es



Whilst it is difficult to verify exact statistics, it seems that gynecomastia (male breast reduction) is the most frequent request for male aesthetic surgery, together with liposuction and rhinoplasty.

The reason for excessive breast tissue (gynecomastia) can either be overgrown glandular tissue or fat. The latter is called pseudo-gynecomastia, which can develop during puberty or be due to medicament treatment (for instance anabolic drugs). Before surgical therapy, possible reasons should be investigated by way of mammography or breast ultrasound, hormone values in the blood and urology examination.

The plastic surgery treatment for gynecomastia comprises excision of the excessive tissue. Dr. Hamers uses a minimally invasive water-jet assisted liposuction at high pulse rate which serves to dissect not only the fat, but also the residual breast gland without any additional scars. In addition, the remaining part of the gland is excised with a small incision around the areola. The tissue can be sent for pathology testing to certify that no malignancy is present.

To achieve a perfect result, Dr. Hamers tightens the skin and the tissue of the breast with a radiofrequency device (“BodyTite®”). The remaining scars will barely be visible after just a short period of time. Water-jet assisted liposuction does not damage fat cells as much as conventional liposuction and, therefore, produces top quality fat for fat grafting procedures. If so wished, the patient’s own extracted fat can be transferred to the upper pole of the pectoralis muscle to provide better definition.

Duration of the surgery:

approximately 30-60 minutes


local anaesthetic and sedation or general anaesthetic, outpatient


2-3 days; no sports, lifting and heavy workout for 6 weeks, compression garments.

Normally fit for flying after 1 weeks

Would you like to learn more? + 34 696 922 398 or info@drhamers.com

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