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Tuberous breast reconstruction

Tuberous breast reconstruction

Tuberous Breast Reconstruction   Tuberous breasts are very common. The so-called ‘Snoopy-nose’ form of the breast is characterised by an under developed lower pole and a wide areola. It often comes with a high under-breast fold and a sagging breast. In most cases the...
Breast augmentation

Breast augmentation

Breast Augmentation   Breast augmentation with silicone gel implants is the standard technique for breast augmentation. Nowadays the surgery is performed mainly for women who already have perfectly shaped breasts but desire an augmentation or in women without any fat...
B-Lite / Lightweight implants

B-Lite / Lightweight implants

B-Lite / Lightweight Implants   B-Lite breast-implants represent the latest development in this kind of surgery. The density and weight of the silicone gel has been much reduced due to microspheres, comparable to air bubbles fixed into the silicone gel. The implants...